When couples think of marrying, two traditional options usually pop into their heads; a religious ceremony or a civil ceremony with a registrar. But there is a third, increasingly popular option, to have a celebrant led wedding.

If you have always wanted to get married under the stars, on a beach, among beautiful gardens, next to castle ruins or even at your own home, a celebrant is the choice for you, the options are endless.

What is a Civil Celebrant?

 and encompass elements that are personal to you; whether that is with a ritual such as handfasting or sand blending, to personalised vows and readings.

There are no restrictions on the content of your bespoke ceremony. If you choose to encompass elements of religion or culture, these can be included however you choose. You may choose to have cultural symbolism, a poem or song with religious reference or something to celebrate your heritage.

However you would like to celebrate your wedding, we can work together to make it perfect and just for you.

As a civil celebrant, I can create a bespoke ceremony that reflects who you are




 whether this is welcoming a new life, a rite of passage, a new union or saying goodbye to a loved one. Each ceremony we create is personal to you, created to be a celebration of love and embracing the uniqueness of each individual.

Celebrants are committed to celebrating life’s milestones

Contact Me

celebrating your day, your way

I'd love to work with you.
Please get in touch and we can arrange an informal, no obligation chat.